Tuesday, 12 April 2016

What is killing my immunity?

Day and night, our body is constantly undergoing a lethal siege; I mean the invasion from dangerous microorganisms that my English teacher could later term as germs. The germs are helplessly found in your food (however descent you handle the cooking, serving and preserving), the utensils you use, the air you breathe, the hands you shake in office, the screen of that smart phone you are tapping right now,  the computer key board you can’t avoid etc and etc. The germs are the causes of over 90% of our sicknesses. They are the reasons behind your cough and flue, stomach ache, tooth ache, skin rash, smelly mouth, name them………. But there is this one breathe taking thing I have ever appreciated ever since I discovered, there are some things in your body that have never rested ever since your mother released you into the crazy world, and that is simply what your doctor calls BODY IMMUNITY.
But what is this immunity?  Immunity is can simply be defined as the ability for an organism (like you and monkey), to resist or destroy a particular infection, toxin or parasite. Antibodies help in achieving this critical body function. Antibodies are the small materials, molecules, particles natural found or passed into you through breast milk, and they are found all over passively and actively defending your body day and night like the Christian angels. They roam restlessly either swallowing or producing chemicals that kill germs that invade your body. Other forms of body defense system will include your skin that prevents entry of the germs into your body and the tiny hair found all over your skin that repel and trap some germs among others.
It is honest to note that God (nature, as scientist will argue) programmed your body better than that award winning software genius. Your body system was wired to efficiently fight off any infectious organisms that come into contact with it. The infectious agents can be viral, bacterial, fungal or other infectious invaders. The immune system destroys them properly and finally keeps good record for preventative arrest purposes through what we shall call the sensitized white blood cells.
Unfortunately with the adoption of artificial lifestyle which most people have and will convincingly argue is unavoidable, our immune system is suffering massive erosion leaving us at the mercies of the infectious agents.
These are the common actions debilitating our immunity but remember playing your cards wisely can save you awesomely from avoidable sicknesses and medical bill:
·         poor/bad eating habits and unbalanced diet

·         Overworking oneself in this aggressive global pursuit of riches as a mode of recognition
·         Stress

·         Inadequate sleep, rest, relaxation
·         Decreased sense of well-being, depression
·         No or very exhaustive exercise
·         Insufficient intake of nutrients particular zinc, vitamin C and some of the group B vitamin
Foods and products that can weaken your immune system
While all these foods do help to boost immunity, it is also vital to avoid those foods that diminish the immune system’s ability to deal with infection. Substances that irritate the inner lining of the stomach – alcohol and some drugs such as ibuprofen for example – can have the effect of reducing immune system responses and therefore, should be avoided. Several pesticides that are used in growing food contain metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium; if these find a way into your food, they can have a harmful effect on your immunity – yet another reason to switch to organically grown foods.
The most effective way to avoid infection and prevent their proliferation is to ensure maximum functioning of your immune system.
Watch out for home remedies that will boost your immunity on Sunday.
© Aton Wellness, 2016