Thursday, 19 May 2016

Are you growing Breast Cancer???

Besides cervical cancer, breast cancer is the most heartless and invasive cancer in women causing pain and miseries to blameless mothers all over the globe. Breast cancer is the type of cancer that develops from the breast cells. Often it starts from the inner lining of the milk ducts deep in your breast. This malignant tumor simply termed breast cancer can then spread to other parts of the body if not notified early enough. Breast cancer stages range from early, curable breast cancer to metastatic breast cancer, with a variety of breast cancer treatments. The vast majority of cancer occurs in females however; male breast cancer is not uncommon and must be taken seriously.
Symptoms are not limited to:

·         Painless lump in the breast that persists after your menstrual cycle.
·         A change in size or shape of the breast.
·         Discharge from a nipple.
·         Pain or tenderness in the beast.
·         A noticeable flattening on the breast. An area that is distinctly different from any other area on either breast.
·         A change in the nipple, such as a nipple retraction, dimpling, itching, a burning sensation, or ulceration.
·         Swelling in the armpit.
·         A scaly rash of the nipple
·         Chest pain

Breast self-exam and mammography can help find breast cancer early when it is most treatable. Treatment may consist of radiation, lumpectomy, mastectomy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy.

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